Monday, 29 June 2009

Look of the Day by Burberry Prorsum

The look of today comes from the hand of the English firm Burberry Prorsum. It's a very easy look to carry, especially for work. Furthermore, it is very easy to create, since it consists of basic pieces, which you can find at any store and do not necessarily have to cost the thousands of dollars that you woulf spend in Burberry. A high waisted black skirt, white shirt (a basic at any wardrobe), black leggings, ankle boots, a maxi bag and as a detail a handkerchief or scarf around the neck.
Last week i made an entry about high waisted skirts which you can read here.


  1. yo le cortaria un poco la falda (pollera) y listo :D
    la verdad es una buena idea, muy facil de encontrar en cualqier tienda

    un beso

  2. burberry rocks, it's my favourite!
    nice blog you have here, pretty well elaborated!
    i'll add you to my links ok? :)
    pass by mine and thanks
    (i'm from the fotolog /ivegotstyle btw)

  3. oh i see you have a lookbook, i have one too, i'll check it out :]
